providing great client outcomes globally with our:

Career Coaching Solutions


In today’s day and age, people do not retire, they reinvent themselves and their careers. ZRG works with senior executives and CEO’s who are seeking to do something different as a follow-up to a full and successful career. We guide and coach individuals to create a practical plan to be followed as they transition from full-time 24/7 employment to a balanced variety of activities.

ZRG works with clients on the road to transition and helps them regain control of life and work in their late-career. Our sessions pave the way to constructing a new, flexible lifestyle that can serve as a bridge to the final chapter of their professional activity, and eventually retirement.  This means building a multiple lifestyle that combines work, family, giving back, and personal passions. Our goal is to assist in creating a life/career plan that allows an individual to integrate their many years of hard work into a purposeful and balanced lifestyle.

In working with clients who have successfully transitioned, we have found that the final plan or blueprint often involves 4 areas of life:

Process and Methodology:

Each person’s career, interests, and journey are different. We work individually with our client to develop and execute a plan for “What's Next” with key action points to build the future that he or she desires and imagines. Most of us have developed business plans, strategic plans, and goals throughout our professional lives. It is now time to apply these skills to your new endeavor, creating a personal business plan and map of the future. This is your plan and no one else can make it happen.

We accompany our clients as they explore each of the key areas above and help them brainstorm, think laterally, prioritize, and categorize to finally consolidate and create a dynamic actionable plan.

Our coaching process is flexible, lasting from 1-2 months to 6 months depending upon the individual’s needs and time commitment.