providing great client outcomes globally with our:

Talent Solutions

Providing Leadership Development and Unique Hiring Services

Leadership Assessment. Executive Coaching. Other Options.

One of the best things about having many core competencies is the ability to use them in a variety of ways. This is especially easy as a fast-growing, nimble, medium-sized, global search firm. Sometimes our clients want us to use our expertise to tell them what to do. At other times, our clients need something, but they don’t know what. We become their sounding board to talk through ideas until we collectively come up with a solution that might be different but will provide the right results. We can be flexible because our infrastructure allows us to always put the client first.

Some of our solutions include:

  • Assessment
  • Coaching & Outplacement
  • Talent Mapping
  • Sales Hiring and Process Solutions


A leadership assessment should be more than a test and a report. It should include systematic processes and analyses to provide actionable insights. The output should provide information for, and about, your company’s leaders so that you can leverage their strengths, address their development needs, and elevate their job performance and career-planning.

Leadership teams should take advantage of these routine assessments for their individual leaders, executive team effectiveness, and company growth.

ZRG designs and delivers services for:

  • Leadership development
  • Promotion opportunities
  • Performance improvement
  • Team effectiveness

Coaching & Outplacement

ZRG offers certified coaches to help executives through transition, whether the transition is internal or external. Our advisors will develop an individual plan and work with the executive to uncover strengths, define and articulate value statements, target career objectives, expose blind spots, reposition LinkedIn profile, write resume, prepare for market outreach, mock interviews and negotiate offers.

Talent Mapping

When looking to fill a specific role, ZRG provides this service to show clients the type of talent in the marketplace. The mapping shows available talent, actual vs required skill sets, compensation packages, and geographies. Mappings can be done for a single role, a group, or even a function, and they can span multiple levels of an organization. At the end of the mapping process, the client will have a good understanding of potential candidates and the tradeoffs with going "up" or "down" market.

Sales Hiring and Process Solutions

A well-run sales team has an immediate impact on both your top and bottom lines. How do you know if your team is optimized? Start with our diagnostic tools to benchmark your team against other highly functioning teams. With the resulting recruiting recommendations and scorecard, the new hires will be selected based on the highest probability of success in your environment.

Having a best-in-class sales organization can be your strongest asset. Start with a structured, hiring process, so your interviews result in qualitative and quantitative assessments.

ZRG provides sales optimization services to drive sales productivity, reduce turnover, and maximize revenue. We help you generate accurate, hiring decisions, and powerful performance management through a real-time data-driven approach.

Our Sales Optimization Services:

  • Sales Team Diagnostics
    We assess your sales team, its cultural climate, and your hiring process, to identify key skills and abilities. Then we benchmark outcomes against best practices to produce a sales force assessment with a clear blueprint for hiring success. As your team evolves, the data-driven scorecard helps keep you on track.
  • Talent Identification Tools
    We install structured, evaluation tools to accurately screen, interview, and eliminate hiring bias. We test and interview based on our scorecards to make consistent, data-focused decisions. Our sales hiring process produces a high probability of successful matches.
  • Sales Recruitment & Sourcing
    We provide full-service Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) for sales team buildouts, including senior level retained search, sales leadership search, and project work, to help clients build their own internal talent departments.

We bring the tools to build high performance sales teams.

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